Lớp 7

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 I-Learn Smart World (Cả năm)

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 I-Learn Smart World là tài liệu hữu ích, mang tới đầy đủ các tiết học cả năm theo phân phối chương trình năm 2022 – 2023. Giáo án I-Learn Smart World 7 được biên soạn theo Công văn 5512 do Bộ GD&ĐT quy định.

Nhằm giúp các thầy cô giáo tiết kiệm thời gian và có thêm tư liệu giảng dạy môn Tiếng Anh 7, THPT Nguyễn Đình Chiểu giới thiệu trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 I Learn Smart World. Hy vọng qua giáo án tiếng Anh 7 này sẽ giúp thầy cô có thêm ý tưởng để thiết kế bài giảng hay hơn phục vụ cho công tác giảng dạy của mình.

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 I-Learn Smart World


Lesson 1.1 – Vocabulary and Reading (Page 4)


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

1.1. Language knowledge and skills

– talk about their hobbies, using words: build models, bake cakes, make vlogs, read comics, play online games, collect soccer stickers.

– practice reading and understanding general and specific information about a teen’s hobby.

– use the Present Simple for talking about habits.

1.2. Competences

– improve communication, collaboration, analytical and critical thinking skills.

1.3. Attributes

– take up a useful hobby and spend a suitable amount of time on this hobby.

– build good habits for themselves and ditch bad ones.


1. Teacher’s aids: Student book and Teacher’s book, class CDs, Digital Book (DCR phần mềm tương tác SB, DHA (từ vựng/ cấu trúc) phần mềm trò chơi tương tác), projector/interactive whiteboard / TV (if any), PowerPoint slides.

2. Students’ aids: Student’s book, Workbook, Notebook.


Performance Tasks

Performance Products

Assessment Tools

– Activate the free time activities that Ss may know.

Match the words with the pictures in a.

– Listen and repeat.

– Compare Ss’ hobbies to Kate, or a classmate.

– Talk about Ss’ hobbies and what cool things they can make

Ss’ answers in notebooks.

– Ss’ answers.

– Ss’ practice.

– Ss’ performance.

– Ss’ answers/ presentation.

– T’s feedback.

– T’s observation/ DCR.

– T’s observation.

– T’s feedback/Peers’ feedback.

– T’s feedback/Peers’ feedback.


Warm up: (5’)

a) Objective:Introduce the new lesson and set the scenefor Ss to acquire new language; get students’ attention at the beginning of the class by enjoyable and short activities as well as to engage them in the follow-up steps.

b) Content: Introduce words about hobbies.

c) Expected outcomes: Ss have general ideas about the topic “free time activities”.

d) Organization of the activity:



– Give greetings.

– Check attendance.

F Option 1: Number the pictures.

– Use the “New words” part a.– page 4 for the warm-up activity.

– Show pictures and words (using DCR), have Ss number the pictures (in pairs).

– Call Ss to give answers.

– Give feedback and show correct answers (using DCR).

– Lead to the new lesson.

– Play the audio (CD1 – Track 02), have Ss listen and repeat.

– Correct Ss’ pronunciation if necessary.

F Option 2: Chatting.

– Ask Ss some questions about their free time activities:

Eg: – What do you often do in your free time?

– How much time do you spend doing it?

– Do you find it useful?

– …

– Lead to the new lesson: Free time.

Greet T.

– Work in pairs to number the pictures.

– Give answers.

– Listen.

Answer keys

A1 B4 C6 D2 E3 F5

– Answer the questions.

– Listen.

B. New lesson (35’)

v Activity 1: Pre-Reading (Vocabulary) (12’)

a) Objective: Ss know words about free time activities.

b) Content:

– Vocabulary study (build models, bake cakes, make vlogs, read comics, play online games, collect soccer stickers).

– Speaking: Note more than 3 hobbies you know and discuss if you like them.

c) Expected outcomes: Ss know how to pronounce the new words correctly and use them in appropriate situations.

d) Organization of the activity:



Task a. Number the pictures. Listen and repeat.

F Option 1 (If the teacher hasn’t used this part for the Warm-up activity)

– Demonstrate the activity, using the example (using DCR).

– Have Ss number the pictures.

– Divide class into pairs and have them check their answers with their partners.

– Call Ss to give answers (read or write).

– Check answers as a whole class.

– Play audio (CD1 – Track 02) (using DCR). Have Ss listen and repeat.

– Correct Ss’ pronunciation.

F Option 2: Matching. (If the teacher has used part a. for the Warm-up activity)

– Have Ss review the words they have known in the warm-up activity by matching words with pictures (T uses different pictures from those in the textbook).

– Call Ss to give answers (read or write).

– Check answers as a whole class.

– Call some Ss to read the words again.

– Correct Ss’ pronunciation if necessary.

For more practice and options, have Ss play a vocabulary game using DHA.

Task b. Note three more hobbies you know. Discuss if you like them.

F Option 1:

– Have Ss talk in pairs about their hobbies using the new words and three other hobbies they know.

– Remind Ss to use the structure:

Do you like +V.ing …?

– Have Ss share their ideas in front of the class.

– Give feedback and evaluation.

F Option 2: (for class with better students)

– Give Ss an extra activity: Have Ss work in groups to have a free talk about their hobbies. Encourage students to use their own ideas. Remind students to state whether they like these hobbies and whether these hobbies are useful or not.

– Call some groups to present their conversation with the class.

– Give feedback and evaluation.

– Look and listen.

– Work individually.

– Work in pairs.

– Give answers.

– Listen and repeat.

Answer keys

A1 B4 C6 D2 E3 F5

– Work in pairs.

– Give answers.

– Read.

Answer keys

– Watch and play.

– Work in pairs.

– Present.

Suggested three more hobbies: playing sports, arranging flowers, making origami, …

– Work in groups.

– Present.

Suggested conversation

A: My hobby is playing online games. Do you like it?

B: Yes, I like it too

C: I think playing online games is relaxing, but it’s rather time-consuming.

A: Oh really? So what do you often do in your free time?

C: I collect old correction pen. I find this hobby not really challenging but relaxing

Activity 2: While – Reading (17’)

a) Objective: Students can develop their reading skills.

b) Content: Reading a teen blogger and choosing the best title, then circling the correct answer.

c) Expected outcomes: Students can read and understand general and specific information about a teen’s hobby.

d) Organization of the activity:



Task a. Read Kate’s blog post and choose the best title.

F Option 1:

– Ask Ss to read two options and find out key words.

– Show the task using DCR. Have Ss read the blog individually.

– Have Ss work in pairs to read the blog again.

– Have Ss circle the correct answers.

– Have some Ss share their answers with the class (read), explain for their answers.

– Give feedback.

– Give feedback and correct Ss’ answers if necessary.

F Option 2:

– Have students look at the picture in part Reading a (using DCR) and ask them some questions about Kate:

What is her name?

What is her hobby?

What is the title of the blog?

– Retell students what a blog is à Lead to the reading text.

– Have Ss read the questions and guess the answers.

– Have Ss read the blog and circle the correct answers – underline the supporting ideas.

– Have Ss check answers with their partners.

– Call Ss to give answers, explain.

– Give feedback and evaluation.

Task b. Now, read and circle the correct answers.

– Use DCR to show the task. Have Ss read the questions, underline key words and guess the answers.

– Have Ss read the blog again and circle the correct answers – underline or highlight the supporting ideas.

– Have Ss check answers with their partners.

– Call Ss to give answers, explain.

– Give feedback and evaluation.

-Work individually.

– Work in pairs.

– Circle the correct answers.

– Read answers, explain.

– Check answers.

Answer keys

1.My Model Collection

– Look and give answers.

– Listen.

– Read and do the task.

– Work in pairs.

– Give answers, explain.

Answer key: No

1.My Model Collection

– Read and underline.

– Do the task.

– Check answers.

– Give answers, explain.

Answer keys


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Đăng bởi: THPT Nguyễn Đình Chiểu

Chuyên mục: Tài Liệu Lớp 7

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