Lớp 8

Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 12: Looking Back

Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 11 Looking Back giúp các em học sinh lớp 8 trả lời các câu hỏi tiếng Anh phần 1→6 trang 66, 67 để chuẩn bị bài Life On Other Planets  trước khi đến lớp.

Soạn Unit 11 lớp 8 Looking Back được biên soạn bám sát theo chương trình SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 8 mới trang 66, 67 tập 2. Thông qua bài soạn này giúp học sinh nhanh chóng nắm vững được kiến thức để học tốt tiếng Anh 8. Vậy sau đây là nội dung chi tiết bài Soạn Looking Back Unit 11 lớp 8, mời các bạn cùng theo dõi và tải tài liệu tại đây.

Bạn đang xem: Tiếng Anh 8 Unit 12: Looking Back

1. Rearrange the letter to label the pictures.

(Sắp xếp lại những chữ cái và đặt tên hình ảnh.)

Gợi ý đáp án

1. aliens (người ngoài hành tinh)

2. space buggy (toa không gian)

3. weightless (không trọng lượng)

4. solar system (hệ mặt trời)

5. planet (hành tinh)

6. spaceship (tàu vũ trụ)

7. flying saucer (đĩa bay)

8. galaxy (ngân hà)

Câu 2

2. Fill each gap with a suitable word from the box.

(Điền vào chỗ trống với một từ thích hợp từ trong khung.)

surface          climate         NASA      traces            experienced          accommodate

1. The Earth seems too small to _________ the increasing population.

2. Water covers 75% of the Earth’s _________.

3. Attempts have been made to find _________ of aliens.

4. Astronauts _________ difficulties when they first landed on the moon.

5. The _________ on other planets is very different to that on Earth.

6. _________ stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. accommodate

2. surface

3. traces

4. experienced

5. climate


Câu 3

3. Underline the correct answers.

(Gạch dưới những trả lời đúng.)

1. He asked me when/ if there were people living on Venus.

2. They wanted to know when the first spacecraft had been/ has been launched.

3. She asked them how/ who had been the first to step onto the moon.

4. They asked me which spacecraft has been/ had been the first to explore Mars.

5. Students asked how/ who the scientists explored other planets.

6. He asked me what food people on other planets had eaten/ ate.

7. She asked her teacher if/ what UFO stood for.

Gợi ý đáp án

1. if

2. had been

3. who

4. had been

5. how

6. had eaten

7. what

Câu 4

4. Put the words/ phrases in the correct order to make reported questions.

(Đặt những từ/ cụm từ theo đúng thứ tự để tạo thành câu hỏi tường thuật.)

1. He/ would react/ asked me/ an alien/ how/ I/ if I saw/.


2. most suitable/ The teacher/ which planet/ asked me/ was/ for human life/.


3. on the moon/ My friend/ had first landed/ asked me/ when/ humans/.


4. a planet/ a star/ She asked me/ the difference between/ what/ and/ was/.


5. if/ was/ They asked/ on Mars/ there/ water.


Gợi ý đáp án

1. He asked me how I would react if I saw an alien.

2. The teacher asked me which planet was most suitable for human life.

3. My friend asked me when humans had first landed on the moon.

4. She asked me what the difference between a planet and a star was.

5. They asked if there was water on Mars.

Câu 5

5. Change the following questions into reported questions.

(Chuyển những câu hỏi sau thành câu hỏi tường thuật.)

1. ‘What are the essential conditions for human life?’ the teacher asked her students.


2. ‘Have humans been able to communicate with people on other planets?’ Samuel asked the scientist.


3. ‘Did the Roswell UFO incident take place in the U.S. in June 1947?’ Nick asked the journalist.


4. ‘Who was the witness in the Roswell UFO incident?’ Vanessa asked her uncle.


5. ‘When will humans be able to travel from one planet to another more easily?’ the son asked his father.


6. ‘Why can’t people move to Mars immediately?’ Diane asked her mother.


Gợi ý đáp án

1. The teacher asked her students what the essential conditions for human life were.

2. Samuel asked the scientists if humans had been able to communicate with people on other planets.

3. Nick asked the journalist if the Roswell UFO incident had taken place in the US in June 1947.

4. Vanessa asked her uncle who had been the witness in the Roswell UFO incident had been.

5. The son asked his father when humans would be able to travel from one planet to another more easily.

6. Diane asked her mother why people couldn’t move to Mars immediately.

Câu 6

6. Choose the right sentences (A-E) to put into the dialogue.

(Chọn câu đúng (A-E) để đặt vào bài đàm thoại.)

A. In 2001, at least 15 people, including two police officers saw UFOs in the night sky in New Jersey.

B. Well, there have been many UFO sightings reported.

C. Not at all. On April 23, 2007, Captain Ray Bowyer and his passengers gained clear views of two UFOs when they were flying in the English Channel.

D. On June 24, 1947, Kenneth Arnold, a private pilot spotted nine shiny discs flying past Mount Rainier.

E. Yes, and in 2008, according to media reports, a police helicopter was almost hit by a UFO…

Interviewer: Do UFOs really exist, Prof. Kent?

Prof. Kent: (1) ___________

Interviewer: Yes. When was the first post-war UFO sighting in the US?

Prof. Kent: (2) ___________

Interviewer: Wow! Very long ago! How about notable sightings in the 21st century?

Prof. Kent: (3) ___________

Interviewer: So… were all sightings in the USA?

Prof. Kent: (4) ___________

Interviewer: Incredible!

Prof. Kent: (5) ___________

Gợi ý đáp án

1 – B 2 – D 3 – A 4 – C 5 – E

Đăng bởi: THPT Nguyễn Đình Chiểu

Chuyên mục: Tài Liệu Lớp 8

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